Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Gas employee rescues injured woman

Dorothy Novak, 94, or as she puts it, “closer to 95,” is proud that she still lives in her own home in Princeton, Wisconsin. She describes herself as “stubborn” and admits she doesn’t like asking for help. But last week, she desperately needed it.

Last Thursday, Novak went to mail a letter, just like any other day. But as she reached for the mailbox, she fell and hit her head. Unable to get up, she lay in the street, bleeding badly.

Luckily, We Energies Gas Inspector Mark Strzyzewski was working a job right around the corner. He was shocked when he looked down the street and saw someone lying next to the curb.

“I ran over to help and she was bleeding pretty good,” said Strzyzewski. “She was soaking wet, too, because it had rained, and there were puddles.”

Gas Inspector Mark Strzyzewski.
Strzyzewski helped Novak to her feet and got her back to the house. Despite her insistence that she was okay, Strzyzewski called for help, and local paramedics arrived at the scene. Fortunately, the bleeding stopped, and Novak didn’t have any serious injuries.

“It was excellent timing,” said Novak. “He was there very quickly.”

“I was in the right place at the right time,” said Strzyzewski. “I’d like to think anybody else would’ve done the same thing.”

A few days later, Strzyzewski stopped back to check on Novak. “He is a very nice gentleman,” said Novak. “I thought it was so nice of him to come and check on me. I do appreciate it.”

Novak says Strzyzewski deserves praise for his actions. We couldn’t agree more.

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