- Drink fluids even if you don’t feel thirsty and avoid alcohol and caffeine, which dehydrate.
- Wear lightweight and breathable clothing.
- Check on friends and neighbors who don’t have air conditioning, especially if they are older.
- No air conditioning? Go to basement, schools, libraries or shopping malls to escape the heat.
- Avoid working outdoors if possible and take frequent breaks if you must be outside.
- Wear sunscreen if going outdoors.
- Take a cool shower or bath after working outside or if you feel overheated.
- Eat small meals more often to ensure you are getting proper nutrition.
- Call 911 if you or someone shows signs of heat stroke and move to a cool place.
- Read the Red Cross heat wave preparedness checklist.
Be prepared in case you lose power during hot weather:
- Have a charged cell phone with you or stay near a hard-wired phone (not cordless).
- Have emergency contacts handy, including our power outage number – 800-662-4797.
- Have someone check on you, especially if you are older or have a medical condition.
- Consider backup power supply or have a cool place to go when needed.
- Keep your refrigerator and freezer closed as much as possible.
- Follow Food and Drug Administration guidelines for food safety.
Use these energy-saving tips during hot weather:
- Increase your thermostat setting. When at home, set it a few degrees higher. When leaving, move the setting even higher -- about 80 degrees. However, if you are older or sensitive to heat, set the thermostat to a comfortable level to avoid heat-related illness.
- Turn off any lights not needed.
- Avoid using heat-producing appliances during the hottest times of day.
- Use a microwave instead of oven – or avoid cooking altogether.
- Use fans – even if you have air conditioning – to help circulate the air.
- Cool only rooms in use. Close unused rooms.
- Close blinds, shades and drapes on sunny side to keep house cooler.
- Get more energy-saving tips.

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