Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Power plant performance during cold winter pays off for customers

We’re planning to return between $15 million to $18 million to our customers, in part, because the cold winter increased power demand to a level that enabled us to sell power to other utilities in the region.

The money could be returned through a credit on customer bills later this year or in a future rate case. The Public Service Commission of Wisconsin will decide the exact amount and method of any refund. Using the current estimate, the amount would represent approximately one half of 1 percent on each customer’s average energy bill.

The Oak Creek Expansion Units
The Midcontinent Independent System Operator Inc. (MISO), which runs the power grid from Manitoba to Missouri, dispatches power plants as needed, using the least-costly plants first. Because of the high efficiency of our coal units at Oak Creek and recent increases in costs from natural gas-fueled plants, we were able to sell power not needed by our own customers. Selling the power to other utilities allows us to pass benefits along to our customers.

Our diverse fleet of power plants are powered by a variety of fuels, including coal, natural gas and renewable energy, such as hydroelectric power, biomass, wind and other sources.

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